Spiritual Training

Schedule a call with Maestro Richard for details and a free clairvoyant interview. (See form below)

The Audacious Spirit sets the energy at a level playing field for everyone who works and plays here. This means that you are not just a student when you join our training program, you become one of OUR teachers, too. There are no hierarchies beyond what makes sense to structure the training wisely. We learned long ago that the best spiritual teachers attract students more capable than they are. Everybody learns and grows at a school such as this. Everybody has permission to make mistakes. Guru games are not played here. Egos are tempered and set aside.

One Training Program for All levels of attainment

you can join any level ANYTIME!

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level student you will find our training satisfying and challenging.

Check out the general descriptions of the different training levels you can join at The Audacious Spirit.

Beginner Level: (no prerequisites!)

All newbies to rose-based tools start here. As beginners you will learn to master a meditation style which is the foundation of how we do energy work as clairvoyants and shamans. You will also learn how energy-work works. You will learn how to perform clairvoyant healings first with a spirit guide and then using your own abilities.

The overall thrust of our shamanic training is to teach clairvoyant discernment, we very gradually introduce you to working with clairvoyant tools to effect changes in your life and the lives of others. We do this by teaching you a basic anatomy of both the energetic and physical aspects of your being. We also teach you how to give and receive neutral communication as to what you see and heal.

Since we are also a shamanic school you will learn how to access not only clairvoyance (a 6th chakra abililty), you will learn to work the energy and get familiar with the contents of your own heart. The heart is the source of a shaman’s calling and power. We will teach you tools as a beginner that prepares you for doing shamanic “transmutation” which is a fancy term for “heart empowered change.”

You can exit beginner training in as little as 3 months and receive a certificate in “Psychic Meditation.”

Continuing students will move into the beginner levels of Clairvoyant Training and Shamanic Healing, doing deeper work with both 4th and 6th chakra tools. Students exiting only two months later will receive a certification of completion in “Beginning Clairvoyance and Shamanic Healing.”

Intermediate Level:

This program includes thorough training and practice in all 6th chakra, rose-based reading and healing formats and methods. It will also include training in the art of Shamanic Healing and much, much deeper 4th chakra tools work and usage.

Intermediate training is where the rubber meets the road. You are actually doing energy work and refining how and learning why you do it. Consciousness and reality-altering tools and methods are taught and practiced both in the school and with clients. Deep heart-chakra energy work and healing clinic energy work will be encouraged and required. The relationship between manifestation and self-curated states of being will be explored and worked by focussing on what we call core pictures.

With excellent attendance and hard work a student can exit intermediate level training in as little as one year. Most will not. After a student demonstrates a certain level of mastery of the state-of-being we call neutrality & amusement, they may ask, or be asked, to begin their graduation project (a theological statement and a clairvoyant attendance report of a church they have never visited before). Once completed the intermediate student will graduate as Associate Shamanic Minister (aka “Reverend.”) Typically this program will take 12 to 15 months to complete satisfactorily.

Advanced Level:

Upon graduation from Intermediate Level Training one typically is ready to self-examine one’s crown chakra experience of life. Exploring the elements of “what makes you, you” is the foundation of Advanced Training. The crown is the seat of beliefs and knowingness. Mastery of the training is largely measured on being able to discern the differences between believing and knowing - the malleability of belief and the primacy of knowingness are important concepts to understand as a shamanic minister. One learns how to get neutral to others who believe differently and claim a knowingness of things that may not resonate with you or others. Students will do deeper work with the spirits of animals, plants, elementals, and entities of every stripe. The notion of “Beingness” is explored as we delve into tools use as it relates to your relationship and access to the divine. The divine will be experienced and brought forth through focussed energy work to learn about dimensionality, time-space, karma, magic and more.

A student may exit this program with entitlement when the distinction between beliefs and knowningness is learned unequivocally and is demonstrated by the creation and delivery of a ceremony. The ceremony will demonstrate how a student has learned to engage others on a crown chakra level without competition or anxiety.

Students graduating from this program are entitled as Shamanic Ministers of The Order of Redwoods

Oracular Teachers Program

Spiritual teachers invariably become conscious channelers. It’s a blunt statement that describes how and why teaching spiritual tools involves aspects of your soul that go beyond belief and even knowingness. It is important to understand teaching through the lens of channeling in order to avoid exploitation of students and to more fully embody and understand what we call spiritual kindergarten. No matter how advanced your training at this school you will NEVER exit spiritual kindergarten. Why? The Christian Bible says it nicely, “and a little child shall lead them.” At this level the student is expected to get uncomfortable and begin looking at the elements of one’s being, beliefs, body, mind and spirit that shows up for action every day here on Earth. You also learn that life teaches you what you need to know and how that works, but you also learn that teaching teaches you more than life experiences alone.

Rigorous and guided crown-chakra-level energy work and healing are taught including advanced level use and awareness of orbs, portals, and other constructs related to accessing reality beyond 3rd and 4th dimensional perspectives. It assumes an expanded awareness of the way of things is already underway. Techniques to channel and process channeled information will be taught. Control work will be required.

A student may graduate from this level of training in as little as 6 months. A student may ask or be asked to graduate once the state of being we call “remembering joy” has been achieved or known well enough to either be maintained or pursued further.

  • Students will be required to teach both a beginner-level and advanced level workshop as a graduation project.

  • Students will graduate as Licensed Shamanic Minister of the Order of Redwoods and will earn the familiar shamanic title of “Maestro.”

Shamanic Initiate Program

By invitation only. This is a one-to-one mentorship with a current Maestro (presently Maestro Richard). The one test of shamanic calling is ordeal. This program teaches a shaman how to make peace in his/her milieu. How to be a bridge between the earthly and the divine. And how to develop and trust a one-to-one relationship with the cosmos, life and death, and all that is.

You can Earn the following:

Psychic Meditation: Certificate in 3 months

Beginner Clairvoyant and Shamanic Healing: Certificate in 5 months

Associate Shamanic Minister: Entitled as “Reverend” (12 months)

Full Shamanic Minister: Entitled as “Reverend OR” (24 months)

Licensed Shamanic Minister: Entitled as “Maestro OR” (30 months)

Initiate: Entitlement (Initiate OR)

* OR = “Order of the Redwoods”

Financial Contribution:

  • Training Program Membership All Levels: $4,100 lump-sum annual pay-ahead, or $350 per month

  • Enrollment Fee: $50 (waived for full, lump-sum annual contributions)

  • Graduation Fees: Beginner: $50, Intermediate $150, Advanced $250, Teacher/Oracle $250,  Initiate $1,000.

  • 50% off professional readings/healings with active staff

  • 50% off workshops (if required no fee)

  • Only 5 discounted scholarships per calendar year (beginner level only - duration 4 months) Must apply.

  • Anyone requesting reduced membership fees at intermediate or advanced levels must be approved.

Included with ALL active memberships:

  • 15- to 30-minute readings on tools and progress as needed or requested.

  • 1 house/hospital healing per year

  • Reader/Healer-Level attendance at all healing, reading, and meditation circles.

  • Attendance at special tools workshops throughout the year.

  • Pause and resume without penalty.

Fill out the form below to schedule your free clairvoyant interview with Maestro Richard (lead teacher)