Kathy Tabb
Kathy Tabb is a 500hr Yoga Alliance certified teacher and owner of Navarre Living Yoga and Health Center. She began teaching yoga after 12 years of personal practice. Her teachers include: Jacqueline Heisel of Frog Lotus Yoga, Paul Gallagan of Centered Yoga of Thailand, Dr. Ganasan of the Himalayan Institute Hospital and Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati of the Abhyasa Ashram. In 2008, Kathy had the honor of spending nine weeks at Swami Rama’s ashram, Sadhana Mandir, in Rishikesh India, immersed in the yogic traditions of the Himalayan Masters.
Kathy believes in creating an asana flow that can be both invigorating and relaxing, with a major emphasis on the breath and modifying poses to meet all students’ needs. Her current focus is on developing, and teaching, workshops based upon the 8-limb path, meditation practices, diaphragmatic breathing and yoga nidra. Her teaching includes gentle and vigorous asanas, pranayamas, and meditation techniques, all with a focus on helping students cultivate their own yoga practice, including meditation.
Kathy is also a licensed massage therapist who specializes in both holistic and therapeutic massage. Her passion for healing the body through yoga led her to study massage therapy in 2006. She now combines both modalities to help a client be nurtured and whole in body, breath, mind and spirit. Continuing to follow her passion for holistic healing, Kathy is currently a student of ayurveda at the California College of Aryuveda.