Make a donation to our non profit mission
Original artwork by Joanna Valencia Rivas (currently enrolled student)
Consider a tax-deductible donation to the Audacious Spirit. Why? Because we support everything you love! Expanded awareness, everlasting patience, continual comprehension …. all of these states of being flow into the spiritual freedom to create what you want.
Help us teach all who come here more than the mechanics of psychic awareness. Help us put a solid community underneath our feet so we can walk the walk and talk the talk with grounded confidence and excellent skill.
Your donation will go to support the ever rising expenses of maintaining the school in addition to our dream of expansion into a brick and mortar presence. We hope to have sanctuaries and seminaries the world over some day.
We have chosen Paypal as our donation collection tool, but you can send a check or send your donation via Venmo, Facebook or any other means you choose. You will get a receipt and we are happy to provide you a custom letter outlining your contribution on our official stationary.
We thank you in advance for your generosity and your excellent discernment in giving to The Audacious Spirit.
You can Venmo directly to: @TASHello
You can CashApp directly to: $Audacious
Or you can use the button below to use Paypal.
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